If we must, we must and we must eat our VEGETABLES. It’s just that simple. You know what the SCIENCE says. FRESH is best for the wallet as well as the WAIST and taste buds. Today’s grocers provide all those cleaned, sliced, diced and ready to use fresh vegetables, just begging to be microwaved! Open a bag of fresh carrots, or fresh POWER greens…. select a good book – “Hunger” by Roxanne Gay is good. Dump the vegetables in a big microwave safe bowl, pour in barely a 1/4 cup water (none for spinach), cover with a plate and read a FEW pages while you microwave for oh….2 minutes. Stir and taste if that carrots bite is harder than your’s – add another 30 seconds until it’s how you like it. Smear the top of the heap with a THIN layer of mayo, butter, or olive oil, Salt & pepper. Maybe a chopped strip of BACON saved from yesterday. A handful of fresh herbs or shake of smoked paprika. Give it a stir. Now look at you, all healthy and no fuss about it.


Aan Tafel!