A Word about Weed

It’s been said that NOTHING ever happens to YOU if you SMOKE weed. Neither GOOD nor bad. However, Statistically, habitual weed smokers EARN less than those that DON’T. Mind you, I’m no doctor, but here’s my CONSIDERATION why…

The THC oil in Weed which gets you high, will seek out the fat in your BRAIN and hang out for a LOOOONG time. You may not notice it – the ‘high’ will wear off – but, lemme tell you, that oil is still there! And if Weed is a regular part of your LIFE, the oil is consistently co-mingling with the fat in your BRAIN, unfelt, but still imperceptibly dulling your critical THINKING and your IMAGINATION, which means no “EUREKA” moment for YOU! No progressive situational OBSERVATION and SELF awareness, which mean Good Bye Ambition! And it’s AMBITION which makes you strive to CREATE a better life for yourself and YES, earn more.

So, every now and then, grab yourself a brownie if you want, go ahead! But know this: You never can tell when an OPPORTUNITY will present itself and if THC has dulled your capacity for OBSERVATION, you’ll miss out.

It’s better to have BALANCE. After all…


Love, Mama & Papa